The Ascension of Christ
from the point of view of the ancient astronauts
and the cargo cult
What would a native believe if he had seen a chemically propelled spaceship take off 2,000 years ago?
I suspect he would have seen the cloud of engines and the cloud of dust whirled up by the engines and drawn his own conclusions. The spaceship and its occupants would then have travelled upwards on this cloud. At take-off, however, the spaceship would have been enveloped by its own cloud.
In Martin Luther's translation, we find the following version of Jesus' ascension.
Act 1:9 Und da er solches gesagt, ward er aufgehoben zusehends, und eine Wolke nahm ihn auf vor ihren Augen weg.
Translation in english:
Acts of the apostles
Act 1:9 And when he had spoken these things, he was taken up faster and faster, and a cloud carried him up before their eyes.
The "zusehens" in row 9 indicates an acceleration. Martin Luther was the best Bible translator to date.
In the version of the Catholic Church, which always translates in its own way, we find the following version.
Acts of the Apostles
9 And when he had said this, he was taken up before their eyes, and a cloud received him out of their sight.
10 And as they looked up to heaven with bated breath as he ascended, behold, two men in white stood by them,
You just have to ask yourself: Where did Jesus go?
To heaven?
To Mexico?
Or somewhere else?
Why did the mass murderer Bishop Diego de Landa destroy all the Mayan books and murder all their clerics?
Dear reader, if the Semmelweis reflex has seized you now, I apologise.