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de-2008.01.1 / Dec. 21, 2022
Moon of Saturn

Photo by NASA, Cassini spacecraft
Supposition of Pierluigi Peruzzi in relation to the Primordial soup or Prebiotic Soup and on the provienence of humankind.
Already in 2007 I reaffirmed on this page (published in German) that on Titan (Saturn's moon) a biological nature may have been created already before the biological nature of the Earth.In other words that, the Primordial soup or Prebiotic Soup could have developed on Titan. In my German-language book "Atlantis im Saturnsystem" (ISBN-13: 9783743180710) from January 2017 I again reiterated this thesis.
In Italian-speaking and German-speaking social groups and forums I was highly mocked!
In July 2017, scientists on the Cassini probe were beginning to assume the same theory. As if they had read my book that came out 6 months earlier.
But my book goes further and also explains that in the beginning all planets were red-hot. No one disputes this, because otherwise the planets would not be spherical in shape. Therefore the moons in the hinterland of the solar system cooled down first, because they were too far away from the sun, then the big planets and after that the Earth. This means that Titan was probably (or presumably) a long time ago a flourishing garden.
Now I'm just waiting to be right about that much too, as my "wacky and mocked" book is slowly becoming a real theory.
See EN.WIKIPEDIA December 2021:
On April 3, 2013, NASA reported that complex organic chemicals could arise on Titan based on studies simulating the atmosphere of Titan. On June 6, 2013, scientists at the IAA-CSIC reported the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the upper atmosphere of Titan. On July 26, 2017, Cassini scientists positively identified the presence of carbon chain anions in Titan's upper atmosphere which appeared to be involved in the production of large complex organics. These highly reactive molecules were previously known to contribute to building complex organics in the Interstellar Medium, therefore highlighting a possibly universal stepping stone to producing complex organic material. On July 28, 2017, scientists reported that acrylonitrile, or vinyl cyanide, (C2H3CN), possibly essential for life by being related to cell membrane and vesicle structure formation, had been found on Titan. In October 2018, researchers reported low-temperature chemical pathways from simple organic compounds to complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAH chemicals. Such chemical pathways may help explain the presence of PAHs in the low-temperature atmosphere of Titan, and may be significant pathways, in terms of the PAH world hypothesis, in producing precursors to biochemicals related to life as we know it.
In my opinion, Darwin's entire theory of evolution, based on the Laws of Nature occurred in the periphery of the solar system. Presumably on Titan. Whether God exists or not, is not the subject of this theory, otherwise we will never end.
Table of Contents
A - Creation of the solar system. B - Nature development on one of the rear moons. C - Humanoid development. D - Development of a high humanoid civilization in the Saturn system. E - 1st cooling phase in the Saturn system.The periods
are confirmed by ice ages on Earth.F - Intermediate epoch and new heat from the Sun. G - 2nd major cooling ca. 100,000 years ago. Last
glacial epoch on earth.H - End of the last ice age on earth about 10,000 years ago. I - End
A - Creation of the solar system
Formation of planets in our solar system due to continuous cooling
In the beginning all the planets revolved around the Sun in the form of glowing balls of magma. How these glowing balls were first formed does not matter and is not the subject of this theory.
Then began the cooling of the celestial bodies for different causes. This cooling is necessarily based on the following factors:
1° Factors that cause a fast cooling: - small masses - lower volume - planets far from the Sun - low specific weight | 2° Factors of slow cooling: - larger masses - larger volume - planets closer to the Sun - high specific weight |
According to these factors we observe planet by planet.
Venus | Earth | Moon | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Titan | |
Mass on a scale | 4,87 | 5,97 | 0.073 | 0.64 | 1'899 | 568 | 0,135 |
Equatorial radius (km) | 6052 | 6'378 | 1738 | 3397 | 71'492 | 60'268 | 2,575 |
Specific weight (Tons/m3) | 5,2 | 5,5 | 3,4 | 3,9 | 1,3 | 0,7 | 2 |
Gravitation on surface (m/s2) | 8.87 | 9.80 | 1.62 | 3.71 | 24.79 | 10.44 | 1,35 |
Solar Irradiation (W/m2) | 2614 | 1368 | 1368 | 589 | 51 | 15 | 15 |
Temperature on black ground (K) | 238 | 254 | 275 | 210 | 110 | 81 | 81 |
As an excellent example: the age between the Earth and the Moon
Earth and Moon are at exactly the same distance from the Sun. They were created on the same day but have different masses. However, the Moon cooled down about 500,000 years earlier. This is proved by the C14 and wolfram 182 tests, taken from the moonstones, which show that the Moon's surface is 500 million years older than the Earth. And it just so happens that this age difference corresponds exactly to the length of a Cambrian period. That is the period needed to develop a human being from a protozoan...
In a nutshell:
The smaller mass cools before the larger mass.
Smaller, peripheral planets and satellites
As to why a larger mass cools more slowly I will gladly leave it to the physicists, who know more about it. But already from this physical procedure, hopefully not disputed, it appears that small planets and satellites cooled earlier.
It should also be uncontested that, bodies further away from the sun should have cooled by an additional factor of time.
B - The hypothetical development of biological nature (core of my theory)
Peripheral planets and large moons
First one should consider the mathematical probability on the possible creation of the biological world! The evolution of biological nature should have occurred roughly according to Darwin's theory. If we then consider that the Cambrian period lasts only 600 million years, then everything is possible. Even the mathematical probability that on the planets, cooled before the Earth, the prebiotic broth was composed. So it is possible that evolution took place 1000 million years before our Earth's Cambrian, on another planet in the solar system.
But first let's do a little calculation
The Earth is 4 billion years old and the Moon is 4.5 billion years old. This means that for such a long time they have had a rigid bark, on which one can stand and walk. Of course, a couple of billion years ago, this rigid bark should have been so hot then, that even cyanide bacteria, of which some sources say they are 3.5 billion years old, could not have developed. This does not seem logical to me, but I do not want to dispute it either.
If we assume that the peripheral and smaller celestial bodies have cooled before the inner ones, then evolution according to Darwin's theory must be perforce started on one of the said celestial bodies.
Also this does not correspond to the mathematical probability laws either.
Finally there are not so many options left, where this evolution started first. They would basically fit Titan, Triton, Mars and maybe even Pluto. The great Planet Uranus is a planet formed of gas and Saturn should have been a miniature sun that should have cooled very quickly. Also, large planets spin around their axis with such speed, that the wind storms that develop on their surface should sweep right off.
And Jupiter, what should have long been a small sun - and along with our Sun - has certainly made its satellites (Ganymede and Europa) into glowing hells. Meaning too hot for life to evolve, and a burnt primordial soup.
Titan fits well here as a nest of life.
Suppose now that Titan cooled down even before our Moon did. Then it would already have an advantage over Earth of at least 500 million years. This is completely sufficient! Moreover on Titan, due to the lighter gravitation, there should have been better conditions for the development of protozoa, than on Earth.
The Cambrian period shows that in 500 million years, nature can reach from protozoa to the formation of humankind!
The chemical raw materials for the biological development of the humanoid are:
C, H, O, N, S, P and others that, on Titan should have shown the best molecular mixture, since due to the density of only 2.0 (Earth 5.5) heavier elements should be found more rarely. And as you know, the heavier elements hinder our biological nature. Also a nice factor " against " Earth.
C - Development of Homo Sapiens Sapiens
But now let's move on to the actual core of my far-fetched theory
We assume the following parameters:
The Primordial or Prebiotic Soup and all of Earth's nature developed 500 - 1000 million years earlier on Titan, That is over 1 billion years ago from today's date. Solar radiation and the Earth's core at that time, which was still too hot, made it impossible until 1000 million years ago to transport Titan's biological nature to Earth. The human person, in today's form, was developed on Titan or perhaps Triton ca. 300 - 800 million years ago.
This development should have lasted a long time and should have left traces. Traces that cannot be found on Earth. From the Neandertaler to the Kennewick Man you can't find any connection!
Furthermore, based on DNA analysis, the Neandertaler is not a genuine ancestor of today's human person. see: Homo neanderthalensis
D - Possible development of high human culture in the Saturn system
Thanks to light gravitation, a departure from the TITAN planet with a simple chemically propelled spacecraft should not have caused any problems. You can see well on the drawing by Dr. Alberto Lhuiller, how such a primitive little spaceship works.
The pilot steers the space capsule with his feet. You can clearly see how it diverts the propulsion gases, via a long shaft, with a tail rudder that serves as a thrust gas diverter to steer from left to right. How the forward and backward piloting works is not apparent on the drawing.
The central axis of the steering "lever" is certainly the actual suspension of this aileron that deflects the propulsion gases.
The real madness of this technique (which underlines my theory of primitive technique) is that no computer or even a screen can be seen. And moreover, with this spacecraft, the poor guy should have risen from the Earth at most 3 km altitude. The strong Earth gravitation has certainly "recalled" the astronaut. But maybe not on Titan. On a moon, this simple technique will surely have been successful.
Why no computer or screen?
The technique of this spacecraft seems to correspond to our technique of ca. 1930-1940. Therefore no electronics can be present! Nevertheless, one can see some earphones, with a microphone. This was also present in our 1940.
But the launch from Titan should have been so easy, that not even electronics were needed. Perhaps it was piloting by sight, as motorists do. Also, Titan carries with it some of the escape velocity needed to "leave" the Saturn system. This means that an "escape" from Saturn's gravitational zone, should have been possible by few means.
But each one that then traveled from Titan to Earth should be permanently shipwrecked on our planet. With these primitive chemical thrusters, it may not have even been possible to pass 30 km above the Earth's surface. In short, only gliding or parachute braking to reach Earth's ground. Gliding to Earth is more likely because I can't find the parachute technology anywhere on the old stone tablets. But gliding is glimpsed well thanks to the Nazca runways.
Distribution of life forms on other planets
What does a high civilization do? »» It goes to explore its own solar system!
Thus it automatically infects all celestial bodies with bacteria, unintentionally, found outside or inside the spaceships. These bacteria will only profile on planets suitable for them.
E.g. Earth, Mars, Ganymede, Europa, Io, etc. but also Titan, in case Titan was not that planet with the basic Primordial or Prebiotic Soup.
These bacteria, however, will give to the infected planet an advantage in biological evolution of some tens of millions of years, since the presence of the Primordial soup is no longer necessary. From them then - if the planet is suitable - more evolved life forms can develop.
E - 1st cooling period in the Saturn system
The thermal periods of our sun are irrefutably proven by ice ages on Earth and coal deposits with completely different ages from deposit to deposit.
As the Sun we have a tiny yellow star. This, in terms of universal and non-terrestrial time, should be cooling down very quickly. After that it should shut down. Already sunspots indicate "maybe" the beginning of continental formation on the sun.
However, the most recent course of the solar temperature can be roughly compared with the course of the ice ages on Earth.
We suppose that the second-last fall of solar temperature ( second-last ice age) caused the first natural catastrophe in the Saturn system. Imagine that solar radiation decreases and Saturn cools down, two factors that multiply each other. Just Saturn that should have given the temperature balance in its system, is missing in Titan as heat source.
If it was too cold on Earth during the penultimate ice age and the great planets still radiated enough thermal heat to their moons, then the old civilization may have taken refuge on the satellites of Jupiter. E.g. I, EUROPA, GANIMEDE etc. Do not forget that Jupiter may have been for a long time a Brown Dwarf. On this point, scientists still disagree with each other.
Further possibilities exist in underground bunker systems in asteroids near the Sun, or space stations or Phobos (Mars). But since on Earth, during the Ice Age it was too cold, then on Mars the cold should have been even more intense than today. In fact Mars is located farther from the sun than the Earth and so, also a planet not suitable for refuge. This leaves only the Earth at its equator, with its warm and humid atmosphere. Also with good thermal activity in the Earth's core.
Also we should not forget that Titan of that time was certainly colder than the Earth. If the "Titanians" should be refused on Earth, then only on high and cool mountains.
But if my theory were to be partially correct, what do these human people do with the multiplied gravitation on Earth?
They died in thousands on Earth or took refuge on Mars or the Moon in underground bunkers. Certainly there were few who could survive Earth's heat and gravitation. Also, during each new generation, the "weakest" died quickly. The fittest will have survived Earth's strong gravitation. As Darwin describes it. Thus was bred a human race adapted to the very strong terrestrial gravitation.
Hundreds of millions of years ago, Earth was too hot - except for Greenland and Antarctica - and life around Saturn was in order. Finally, 10,000 years ago, it acquired the right temperature to live well on it.
1 billion years ago | The Ice Age 100,000 years ago | The period after the Ice Age 10,000 years ago | |
Titan and Jupiter moons | good for life | freezing cold | freezing cold |
Mars | good for life | freezing cold | freezing cold |
Earth | too hot | good for life to the equator | good for life |
F - The period between ice ages and heat from the Sun
Let's look a little bit at the Neanderthal period. That is, the period between the last two ice ages. Why are no remains or ancestors of today's Homo Sapiens Sapiens found?
Most likely it was warm enough to survive on a moon of Jupiter. And perhaps human people were already so used to living in bunker systems that they wanted to avoid the humid, bacteria-filled nature of Earth. Earth was perhaps too dirty and impure. Why then take refuge on it? To be crushed by gravitation or to die of a disease? But at least one could do biological experiments as a hobby.
Since an analysis of the DNA of the Neandertaler proves, that it does not belong to our ancestors, this could constitute an experiment then dropped.
G - The 2nd cooling about 100,000 years ago
The last ice age on Earth
L'ultima epoca glaciale sulla Terra - che si dovrebbe relativare direttamente con l'attività solare - dovrebbe aver reso molto difficile la vita anche sui lontani satelliti di Giove e probabilmente anche su Marte.
Even if human people had lived in well-developed bunker systems, even then they certainly would not have imagined such a cooling of the Sun.
This last glacial epoch has perhaps given the coup de grace to this supposed high human civilization, with its very primitive spatial technique.
H - End of the last ice age on earth 10,000 years ago
Suddenly the Kennewick Man appears, exactly at the end of the last glacial epoch and shortly after appears the "Ötzi". Both are clearly part of today's Homo Sapiens Erectus.
But where are these two from?
This underscores my theory how Earth may have been the last refuge. Earth's strong gravitation certainly killed off the physically weaker ones. Even today, we Homo Sapiens Sapiens, have our old age ailments in our backs and hips. But we also have lungs that function up to 6,000 m above sea level! This means that we require much less oxygen than there is at sea level!
But what we have most about the King of Palenque (the Mayan astronaut) is definitely brains and technique. This can be seen well in the drawing.
I - End
This is my wild theory that I see in relation to the sagas of Atlantis and Lemuria. The sagas always have a core of truth. But of a technically highly evolved civilization, for the King of Palenque, there can be no question.